Wednesday, May 7, 2014 longchamp sac

Just at this time,ray ban sunglasses, Shang Yi also gave the order : heralds go with a solid Franco cannon shells hit the shield vehicles, artillery Tiger squatting with shotgun, hit the Qing shield on both sides of the car. Deal shield cars, handguns, shotgun and bow and arrow are not much action, only to be attacked by a solid projectile. But now Muling solid missile capable of firing off in only seven Franco cannon, so the rest of the gun can be used to attack the tiger stomp on longchamp sac both sides of the Qing. After Luoyuan Bin Shang Yi received orders immediately waved his hands in prayer flags, loudly ordered : fire !

Seven doors Franco cannon will continue launch,Cheap ray ban Sunglasses, seven black whirring from the muzzle of the iron ball flying out with out a smoke, fired at a hundred paces outside the Qing array. Chinese novel network www. Seven iron ball, actually hit all four, of which there are pieces of iron ball with a shield in the car. Iron ball hit the shield car suddenly beaten sawdust flying. In the thick wooden walls, also shot a hole to the size of the basin, but also killed the car behind the shield of two bowls. The bike hit the car the two iron balls shield will suffer much more, then it is called fragmentation, are scattered throughout the body frame.

Seven rounds Fourth, Valentine 's eyes showing a hint of Ju Yi, fifa coins it seems that just is not really round shelling Mongolia, associate head Zhezhi Ming army fired artillery than its ray ban uk Ming army is much easier. At the same time the door Franco cannon fired seven and eight doors tiger squatting guns also ejected flames will spread to the shotgun mercilessly Qing army head. But this time the Qing share more scattered, but not the power of the tiger kicking gun and cannon Franco, so lethal it a lot less than the first. And after the first round of shelling, Mu Ling Army gunners rushed to clean the bore, ready to re- fill the shells.

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